
Two Handled Mugs

Two Handled Mugs

The two handles of the mugs have a specially contoured convex section which allows a secure and comfortable grip. They are positioned far enough away to allow a closed-hand grip with a reduced risk of touching the hot vessel.

The mugs are light weight, dishwasher and microwave safe. Two sizes available : standard - 250ml, extra large - 300ml and small.

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Product no.: FN10

Light weight two handle ceramic mug for the elderly, arthritis, MS sufferers, seniors, Parkinsons Disease.

£11.99 *
Delivery weight: 270 g

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can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: TAF10

Light weight two handled ceramic mug for the elderly, arthritis, MS sufferers, seniors, Parkinsons Disease.

£11.99 *
Delivery weight: 270 g

Still in stock
can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: OR10
Light weight Two Handle ceramic mug for the Elderly, Arthritis, MS Sufferers, Seniors, Parkinsons Disease, Dementia.
£11.99 *
Delivery weight: 0.38 kg

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can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: SPTON10

Light weight two handle ceramic mug for the elderly, arthritis, MS sufferers, seniors, Parkinsons Disease.

£11.99 *
Delivery weight: 270 g

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can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: FN13

Two Handled mug with extra large handles.

£13.99 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 0.45 kg

In stock
can be shipped within 5 days

* All of our products are free from VAT.